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SPARC (Students and Placements in ARC)

This page provides information for students and the practice educational leads about receiving student allocations via the SPARC (Students and Placements in ARC) placements website.

University of Leeds Students

Students can access their placement details by signing into the University of Leeds Minerva, then clicking the 'Learn' tab and then clicking on the SPARC icon.

Introduction to Using the SPARC (Students and Placements in ARC) Website for Students (pdf), File Download

If you have any questions or feedback on SPARC, please email

University of Leeds Tutors

Tutors can access information about students' practice placements by signing into the University of Leeds Minerva, then clicking the 'Teach' tab, and then the SPARC Placements icon.

Introduction to SPARC (Students and Placements in ARC) for Tutors (pdf), File Download

Leeds Beckett University Students and Tutors

SPARC is now used to allocate student placements for Leeds Beckett University students, but students and staff will continue to receive details of student placements via the local InPlace system.

Practice Assessors

You will be notified by email when students are allocated to your practice area. To see details of the students allocated, please sign into the website,

Introduction to the SPARC website for Practice Assessors (pdf), File Download

Information about other changes to student placements is available in this update from the practice placement unit team which has been circulated to Practice Assessors.