Uniform Replacements and Name Badges
Whilst in placement nursing and midwifery students are normally required to wear a uniform which helps them fit into the practice setting and means they are easily identifiable as students. The uniforms are supplied by the University and it is the responsibility of the Practice Placement Unit and the uniform company to ensure that all students have the correct number of uniforms, in the right size, before going to their placement. All nursing and midwifery students will receive 3 sets of uniforms.
Uniform Contact
- University of Leeds students please contact placements@healthcare.leeds.ac.uk (0113 3431357)
- Leeds Beckett University students please contact nursing@leedsbeckett.ac.uk (0113 8121914)
Type of Uniform and Fit
All new students will receive 3 white tunics and 3 navy blue trousers in line with the approved uniform style. Students are requested to note that uniforms are designed specifically for use within a healthcare working environment and are functional in style.
Uniform epaulettes are issued at the beginning of each year. Students should ensure that at the end of each year epaulettes are returned cleaned and in good condition. Epaulettes have a stripe for each year of study and students will then receive the epaulettes for the following year.
Ordering your Uniform
Please use the following step by step guide to place your uniform order:
OrderPlus - Placing an Order Instructions (docx), File DownloadFor other guidance, including returns, use the Simon Jersey guide:
OrderPlus User Guide (pdf), File DownloadStandards of Dress and NHS Trust Dress Codes
Students must wear the approved uniform unless a specific placement area instructs otherwise. In some placement areas the wearing of uniform is not required although students will be expected to present a professional image and dress appropriately. Students must also comply with the uniform and dress policy of the organisation where they are on placement. The policies for Leeds Trusts are available below. Independent sector organisations may have individual policies and guidance which can be requested prior to or at the start of the placement.
Student must not wear trainers on placement. Shoes must be plain, non-slip, low heeled, wipeable and soft soled.
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Dress Policy (pdf), File Download Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Standard of Dress and Appearance Policy (pdf), File Download Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Dress Policy (docx), File DownloadStudents may wear a navy blue or black cardigan or fleece in the clinical areas when it is cold such as at night. However, the cardigan or fleece MUST be removed when approaching patients, undertaking any clinical procedures or at the request of the person in charge of the healthcare team
At University of Leeds we are keen to take a proactive approach and ensure we support our students in providing an inclusive approach to equality diversity and inclusion. This EDI uniform guide for our students reflects this.
Dress code - Healthcare Student Guide
Uniform Care
Students are responsible for cleaning and repairing their uniforms. Uniforms should be washed at the hottest temperature suitable for the fabric. It is recommended as a minimum that uniforms are washed at 60 degrees for ten minutes. All uniforms supplied to students are suitable for washing at this temperature. Please ensure you use the pen pocket for your pens and remember to remove pens when you wash your tunics.
Uniform Replacements
If a student needs to replace a uniform they have damaged or lost themselves, then they will be charged for a replacement. If student's wish to order a replacement uniform they can do so by contacting the University approved uniform company direct. Details and a price list are in the document below.
University personal purchase process
Uniform Free Zone
In the interests of infection control uniforms should not be worn outside the placement setting as it can pose a serious risk to your own safety and increase the risk of spreading infections. In view of this for the University of Leeds students Baines Wing is a uniform free zone.
ID Badges
The University of Leeds students will be allocated a badge holder at the start of their programme which they can attach to their uniform to hold their University ID badge (with NHS logo) whilst on placement.
Smart card
It is of paramount importance that patients are confident that their medical records are kept safe, secure and confidential in line with The Care Record Guarantee for England. To achieve this objective all healthcare professionals/workers requiring access to certain NHS information systems must be registered with a national digital identity and issued an NHS Smartcard. NHS Smartcards are a plastic card containing an electronic chip (like a chip and PIN credit card) that is used to access Spine enabled systems. The chip stores the Unique User Identifier (UUID) within the Spine directory consisting of users digital identity information and access rights. The combination of the NHS Smartcard and the passcode together help protect the security and confidentiality of every patient’s personal and healthcare information.
If students require a Smart card for their placement then the placement provider, usually one of the Trusts, will supply this card and not the University. Placement providers in the Trusts can contact their Administrators or IT teams to request a Smart card for a student. Some placement providers do not use Smart cards. Placement providers can also activate and deactivate Smart cards.