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Practice Learning Facilitators (PLFs)

All placement areas have a Practice Learning Facilitator (PLF).

Who are we?
We are a small team of health professionals who bring our varied knowledge, skills and experience together in both a campus and practice setting.

What do we do?
Our mission is to ensure that quality and capacity of placement learning opportunities are maintained, developed and enhanced within the Leeds Health Economy. We are passionate about supporting the education of the health and social care workforce, patients, users and carers, today and for the future.

How do we do it?
We endeavour to do this by:

  • Using our knowledge, skills and experience to influence Higher Education institutes and local health and social organisations to provide the support that practitioners, and assessors require.
  • Working to promote local, regional and national projects, particularly inter-professional learning projects, advising and assisting implementation in practice as necessary.
  • Working in partnership with Higher Educational Institutions and other colleagues in West Yorkshire to promote placements and ensure continuity of the placement circuit, enabling appropriate placement activity.
  • Assisting partnership working between the Higher Education Institutions and Professional Regulatory Statutory Bodies; advising on practice and care delivery issues, in order to support curriculum activity.


                                                                                    Contact details for the PLFs:

Leeds teaching hospitals NHS trust

The Pre- Registration Education Team LTHT

Tanz Rayaz Lead Professional - Nursing Midwifery, AHP Education

Escalate all fitness to practice, learner & apprentice larner incidents, contracts, Link between LTHT & HEI’s

Alexandra Varley - Senior Project Nurse - Work Based Learners

Nicola Mackenzie-Croft Neurosciences, TRS, Head & Neck, Chapel Allerton
Iona Norman Oncology, Adult Critical Care, Outpatients
      Doug Bodey Children’s, Children’s Theatres, Paeds ED, Peads WBL
Nicole Howard Theatres & Anaesthesia, Speciality & Integrated Medicine, Cardio-Respiratory
Joanna Hunter Urgent Care, Abdominal Medicine & Surgery, Wharfedale General Hospital
Emma Weatherhead Women’s, Research 
ALL PLFs To cross cover when colleagues on A/L To cross cover when colleagues on A/L


Leeds & York Partnership Foundation Trust


Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Practice Learning Facilitator poster A4

Hayley Ingleson - Practice Learning Facilitator (Nursing)

Chris Garside - Practice Learning Facilitator (AHP)

Clinical Education Team


West Yorkshire Primary workforce and training hub 

Stacey Gill

Hayley Ingleson - Practice Learning Facilitator (Nursing)

Chris Garside - Practice Learning Facilitator (AHP)


If you are unable to contact the PLFs directly, you can leave a message for them through the Practice Placement Unit  email