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Managing Perceived Unsafe or Dangerous Practice

Practice Assessors / Practice Supervisors should refer to the guidance document:

Flowchart - NHSe Supporting and Escalating Concerns: Pathway for Learners (pdf), File Download

University of Leeds staff and students should refer to the guidance document:

Raising Concerns about Poor Practice (pdf), File Download

NMC Guidance on the professional duty of candour

Escalating Concerns whilst on placement

For Leeds Beckett University staff and students, please refer to Raising concerns School of Health and Speech and Language Therapy - Leeds Beckett University


Photos in clinical placements: For Nursing and Midwifery students - At no time is it permissible to take photos of any placement environment including equipment, empty beds, staff rest rooms, change rooms, or equipment, with or without you in the picture. This is to ensure that there is absolutely no risk of inadvertent inclusion of a patient, staff member or otherwise identifiable information in the picture, and because you do not have informed consent. If informed consent is given for photos of any sort, these have to be taken officially by the Medical Physics team, not stored on personal devices, and approved by relevant Comms Teams in practice.

Additionally you are there in practice hours and may be asked to justify why you are using your phone. This includes photos for personal use and not only for upload to social media or pebblepad.

Please do not copy bad practice and poor role modelling that you may witness in placement or cite this as a reason for ignoring what you have been told.

If you are found to have breached this guidance you may be referred to the designated officer for student conduct and this could be referred to the Fitness to Practice panel.

Dr Fiona Meth, Director of Practice, 15/05/2024